Army Reserve Center

Fort AP Hill (Bowling Green), VA

Project Details


Department of Army - U.S. Army of Corps Engineers

Project Delivery


Project Type

Army Reserve Centers, Department of Defense

Size (s.f.)


Year (of award)



Fort AP Hill (Bowling Green), VA

Project Description

he U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Louisville District provided a scope of work consisting of construction of a 32,917-square-foot training center, 7,433-square-foot organizational maintenance shop and 1,065-square-foot unheated storage building, and is certified Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold, including a geothermal Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system, tankless hot water heating and LED interior lighting. The ARC required utilities, storm drainage, communications, electric, HVAC, fire protection/ alarm systems, IDS, EMCS, force protection measures, paving, walks, curbs, parking, access roads, exterior lighting, site improvements, grading and landscaping. This project has received a LEED Gold rating from the United States Green Building Council.