Building 21 Electrical Service
Project Details
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Project Delivery
Bid Build
Size (s.f.)
Ames, IA 50010
Project Description
Work comprised of demolition of existing 13.8 kV electrical service from the City of Ames to Building 21, and installation of a new dual 13.2 kV feeder from the NCAH north campus electrical system originating at Building 153. Furnish and installation of all necessary manholes, all necessary line connections at the existing exterior 15kV switchgear line compartment to Building 21’s double ended substation, demolish the existing 13.8 kV electrical service from the City of Ames to Building 21 opening all necessary conduits in manholes. Furnish and install the second feeder from Building 153 via the exterior 15kV switchgear to Building 21 double ended substation in the path of removed City of Ames Feeder, all necessary conduit, wiring and interfaces to connect the site power monitoring & control system (PMCS) communications connections from the existing digital power metering at the double-ended substation in the Building 21 penthouse to the existing switch located in the communication room on the ground floor of Building 21. Furnish and install the programming, integration and control functions for the Eaton PMCS. Programing shall include the development of a Building 21 graphics screen for monitoring and control at the main site PMCS in Building 153. Remove the automatic transfer switch (ATS#1) and furnish and install the necessary conduit to route the 1600 A service from the ATS in a new raceway system for a direct connection point for service to Panel OSD4-P1 from unit substation USS1.